Sporting a protective style

e.g. a weave, especially in winter, is essential for most black women but how long does a weave last for?  This is probably the third question most stylists get asked.  First, it usually is “do you do weaves?”; next “how long does it take to do it?” and then “how long does a weave last for”.  This is from the newbies, professional weave wearers’ ***first question is “how much does it cost to do it?” –who cares about how long does a weave last for?  They wear it until it has to come out.

Just How Long Does A Weave Last For?

I joke about this because so many women who wear hair extensions, whether it is sewn in, glued in, taped in or clipped in, never listen to the “use by” date.  I suspect the manufacturers never expected them to wear the hair until it was shredded.  In the past, I got a lot of those who would clearly state that they had to get their money’s worth before they would get rid of it.  When I visited hair shows in the US and these clients asked about what was new, I refused to tell them because I know they would unintentionally ruin my reputation!

A weave can last

for up to two months if it is in good condition.  I recommend taking it out at two months because the hair would have grown by this time.  Having an extension weighing on the hair is stressful and if left longer can cause breakage.  Some clients also demand to have the weave done as tightly as possible, believing it makes it stay longer.  It does stay longer but will tear out hair when it is removed.  Doing this repeatedly eventually leads to bald spots and mental stress and unhappy women.  What do you say to someone who has tightly weaved her hair for years and left it on for 3 months or more  and is now blaming her former stylist for bad work?

Before having a weave done,

plan your hair budget.   You should consider the cost of treatments and haircuts for your own hair, installing and purchasing new hair and best products.

A weave of good quality hair lasts for a few installs if cared for correctly.  This is an investment in your appearance that pays off in the long run.

By Paula Barker, Silkie Locks Hair Design

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