In all the information being circulated about

dreadlocks, there has been not a lot of talk about having dreadlocks without the commitment.  After all, maybe you just want to have the look but have no desire to go all the way. Well, there are options to have the look of dreadlocks which you can remove in one night if the urge takes you!


Many dreadlocks lovers are hesitant to start the

journey because of perils along the way.  These include:

  • Parents 
  • Relatives
  • Workplaces, may be conservative.
  • Friends or acquaintances – that like everyone to conform.
  • Society – social values or stereotypes.
  • Government – certain activists like to sport this style.
  • Lack of money – lets face it, this requires some funding unless you will be doing it yourself or have a great friend.
  • Lack of expertise and resources  in the country or area you live.


To bypass these checkpoints, you can do one of several things that

can give you the look of dreadlocks without the commitment:

  1. Faux locks:  these are done with synthetic fibre hair extensions.  Depending on the length chosen, the cost can vary.  
  2. Double ended or single ended wool dreadlocks are a favourite of people with straight hair and a love for crazy colours.  They are light and soft and easily removed.
  3. You can twist your hair with gel and a comb or your hands to make temporary dreadlocks twists.  The comb method works best on people of African descent and the hand twist works well on straight hair.
  4. Pre-made Faux lock Extensions:  there are various pre-made faux lock extensions on the market that you can have attached to your hair or added using the crochet braid method.
  5. Two-strand twists are done with your own hair.  The hair looks better if it has at least 6 inches in length.

These options allow you to have the look of dreadlocks without the commitment, but be sure to remove them on a timely basis.  The weight of overdue-for-removal extensions are the primary cause of damage to the hairlines of many.  

By Paula Barker, Silkie Locks Hair Design

Buy my e-book:  Dreadlocks: A Hairstylist’s Manifest (


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