Haircut Before Or After a Retwist

Haircut Before Or After a Retwist

I have had quite a few people ask the question:  haircut before or after a   retwist?  It sounds like a strange question but post pandemic, it has become a very real issue.  Clients were bringing it up because their locs were getting thinner after a fade!When things...

It’ll Take Longer Than You Think

It’ll Take Longer Than You Think

People in service businesses have many instances where others try to convince them a service can be done quickly and we know it’ll take longer than you think!  There is an amount of time you can expect to complete a task but it sometimes doesn’t go as planned!Here are...

What Does Going Natural Hair Mean

What Does Going Natural Hair Mean

You might have had a friend or colleague from an afro-centric background suddenly declare that they are “going natural” with their hair, but “what does going natural hair mean?”  When someone says they are “going natural”, it can be a signal that the person has come...

Should I Use An Afro Pick

Should I Use An Afro Pick

Tangled curly hair is usually difficult to comb out but you may be wondering, when this happens, should I use an afro pick?  The afro pick has been a staple of the afro-centric community since the beginning of time.  It has been time tested - examples of it were found...

How Do You Dye Dreads Without Damaging Them

How Do You Dye Dreads Without Damaging Them

With summer coming (in Canada, we are always mentally existing in warm weather, ok) many people are asking “how do you dye your dreadlocks without damaging them?   A lot of people with dreads/locs want to have a different look after a while.  Some may try new styles...