Face Shapes And Hair Styles

I was once asked to teach on a topic to a class of girls in a youth group and while agonizing on what to speak about, I decided to discuss face shapes and hair styles.   It was well received and with the feedback from the moderator, the girls got what I was trying to...

Very Sensitive Hair Follicles

“Pull the hair on my head the wrong way, and I would be on my knees begging for mercy. I have very sensitive follicles.” ― Benedict Cumberbatch   Quite often in the salon, I have people with very sensitive hair follicles.  They are the first to tell you that...

Rude Comments About Appearance

So, you finally got the hairstyle you have always wanted, and just when you thought you were home free, someone makes a rude comment about appearance.  You are devastated!  When you got them, you thought you looked so good and everyone was going to feel the same, but...

Responsibility For Actions

You  probably clicked on this thinking, what does responsibility for actions have to do with hair.  I know it sounds like a weird title but many people need to consider this:  your hair is an important part of your make up.  People form opinions about you almost...

What Youtube Video Should I Watch?

In recent times, as social media platforms form the trends, many clients wanting a change are asking their stylists what Youtube videos to watch. Others watch the videos and try to replicate the look themselves with varied results. The channel is a vast highway of...

Can Cheap Shampoo Cause Dandruff

Call (613) 789-2179 For An Appointment If You Are In The Ottawa, Ontario Area. Everyone likes a bargain, and finding products on  sale makes everyone want to get a lot more.   Whether it is clothes, shoes, food or massages, you have to admit it gives a funny kind of...